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Tips On How To Get a Job

It varies for different people and how well they present themselves.  Personality also plays a part in this, as some people like me tend not to prefer stereotypical first jobs.  I like to work in a place that hasn't been labeled as "THE ONLY OPTION" for people with ZERO work experience.  In my experience, I haven't been successful in applying to those jobs anyway; probably due to my availability or my resume.  SO TRUST ME WHEN I SAY, YOU CAN APPLY ANYWHERE!  Just starting out, there are two general categories that hire candidates without work experience, and those are FOOD and RETAIL.  However, there are people that work at their parent’s businesses or law firms etc. as a first job.  Unfortunately, there are some places, like Abercrombie and Hollister, which have age restrictions (18+) and don’t allow you to apply. Ask yourself about the positives before you apply: (ex. Will I enjoy working here, Are there enough challenges for me over time, or quite frankly, are there even benefits I’ll enjoy here?).  I personally recommend retail over food as you get a chance to interact longer with customers and get to know the good from the bad ones.  There are more opportunities for you to solve problems and more roles to take on regularly.  Besides part time, you can also get hired as a seasonal employee, only working on major holidays and saving time for high school when it resumes.      

What Should Be My First Job?

If you're heading to a job fair, you should print out at least 10 resumes to avoid missing out on a brand that you find there.  Do some research on approximately how many brands will attend the event and print accordingly by estimating what will appeal to your interests.  I printed out 20 and only used up 8 at my first job fair, both due to time constraints and personal interest.  I'm picky with what I apply for and it has to suit my interests as well.  IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE BRAND, YOU'RE NOT LIKELY GOING TO WORK WELL THERE AT ALL. PERIOD.  Job fairs usually only require a resume to be handed over, but a cover letter will help you stand out amongst the avalanche of other resumes.  In this situation, a generic cover letter will be fine, unless you know for sure what position and what brand you're applying for.  Something as simple as "My name is ______ and I want to work as a part time sales associate at your “____upcoming location____" will work.  Don't panic and be friendly to all the employers!  They'll invite you over to talk for a couple minutes if they like how presentable you are, and if they think you're a good candidate.  Job Fair interviews are all on the spot and you can even finish all the interview stages in one go.  I got hired at the job fair I went to, so keep calm and respond to the best of your ability.


In a Mall setting, keep your resumes to a minimum and make sure you type up a cover letter and/or resume dedicated to the specific company that you're applying for.  Don't hand over a resume that the store manager can assume was a template that you've used over and over, simply by changing the name and position.  They also don't want to see a large stack of resumes in your hand.  They see this as a sign you want to apply to other places and they'll think that they're, in a sense, expendable to you.  It'll definitely be harder to apply for a store that doesn't have a "Now Hiring" stuck on the window, so don't lose hope.  I did this method for a year and it didn't work out at all.  I went back to some places more than once and still no luck in both food and retail.


I personally like the Job Fair setting more since there's an actual need and want for employees with or without work experience, and every brand is in one place.  It saves you from having to wander around for ages and build up the courage to talk to them.  I went to this and I got several interview calls right off the bat, which was greatly encouraging to finally see some results and to finally get a job.  Even if you don't make it in, either after the first time or after 30 tries, keep trying perhaps in a different career field or tidy up your resume with the help of some friends, tutors or teachers etc.  Freeing up your availability also helps greatly and you can still change it after you get hired.  For both the job fair and mall situation, remember to dress formally or semi formally, in order to look presentable and sharp!  

How Do I Hand Out Resumes?

A phone interview will usually last around 15 to 20 minutes.  Companies will typically contact you with the phone number that you have left them on your resume and will call literally anytime of the day that suits them.  RIDICULOUS, RIGHT?  With school and everything, it gets really confusing trying to rearrange a time that will work for both the employer and you.  So put in that effort to call back in the early morning hours before you go to school, or tell employers to call back after school instead, so you're not missing out on class.  Hopefully you'll be able to reach them and save yourself all that anxiety and nervousness.  


After a phone interview, you'll typically be upgraded to a group interview if they like what they hear from you.  Here, you'll do a face-to-face interview with a group of several other people who have also made it thus far or even just alone in some cases.  These usually last for 40 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the size of the group and you should arrive half an hour early.  It'll give you a chance to really impress your employees and talk in more detail about your skills and relevant experience to the job.  So show some enthusiasm and positivity that'll make you stand out more!  Get to know your fellow interviewees before the interview as they might end up being your future co-workers, and also listen to what they have to say during the interview, as it could've been stuff you forgot, but did as well in the past.  


My main advice would be to NOT give a canned response during an interview. Think of an interview as a way to extend your resume and present yourself in a more relaxed sort of way. Dress appropriately, or dress up in brand attire if allowed, as this gives fashion retailers a chance to look at how you'll possibly present yourself to customers. Also, don't be afraid to have a good time during the interview, share a laugh or two as that'll help you make an impression on the interviewer. Employers like to see someone with passion, who is able to respond quickly and to the point. I recommend going to as many job interviews as you can to build confidence. That confidence and experience will greatly help you be ready for any odd questions that hiring managers throw at you. There are endless possibilities as to what companies will ask, as each one is different and tailor questions suited to their company. For example, a sporting brand would have one like "How do you sweat?" and a clothing company might ask "Pick a product that we sell and describe how you would sell it to a customer". Even if you suddenly have a job like me, and you're still receiving interview calls, try and go to them anyways to gain experience.

What Is A Job Interview Like?

The Winter Break is almost upon us!  Time to do something productive before those Christmas dinners and potato-like sleeping habits kick in.  One solution is simply to find yourself a part-time job!  If you’re the type who wants to get a job right when your 16th birthday arrives, or even after university; this article is a must-read for you.  Part-Time jobs really help you to begin your journey of saving your own money independently and helping customers independently. You might also see this as an opportunity to afford presents for those special people in your life.  

What are the Requirements for my Resume and Cover Letter? 

In Grade 10, my resume used to be way too long.  It went from 4 pages, to 2 pages and finally to 1 page, which is how long it's actually supposed to be.  1 page, point form of your absolute BEST achievements, some SIGNIFICANT volunteering (long term is preferred, but short is fine) and UNIQUE skills should be enough for your resume.  Shocking, right?  Your cover letter will describe yourself in more detail, so don't worry if you feel like your resume is bland.  1 page, full sentences of what position you’re applying for, what location you are applying to, what made you interested in applying and how your interests or skills are relevant to this position.  Some of my friends have added their own personal flair to their resumes with color and formatted it in a really artistic way with templates.  It doesn't really matter, as it's what you say on there that counts, but it shows effort and makes it stand out more.  One more reminder: DON’T FORGET YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION ON BOTH PIECES OF WRITING!  How else would employers contact you back? 


Even I didn’t get my first job that I applied for and It took me almost a year before I got my job today.  If you’re truly desperate or you just want to work with somebody you know, ask your friend for a recommendation at their job. 


Follow up calls and emails usually don’t work and annoy your employer.  Just patiently wait for a reply and if you don’t get one, assume you didn’t get the job and keep looking for more choices.  You can always just pick one job if you get a lot of calls back from people wanting to hire you, or take on two jobs if you have that much time.  The employers won't be offended at all since they have so many others applying.


If you're having trouble coping with co-worker or manager attitude, then you know it's time to either talk to another manager or quit and find a new job.  You can certainly try to stick with the co-workers you're friends with or ignore it, but you won't be very happy staying there.  Don't just stay rooted in one job!

Where Do I Find Opportunities?

Look around on the Internet!  

There are many places looking for P/T (Part-Time) and F/T (Full Time) work.  Even if it might not be your first choice, you should try it out as it'll be a big milestone personally for you if you get hired with little to no work experience.  Take on that challenge and see what happens in a few months.  If you don't like it, find another job, but stay and work for a while before switching out so soon.

Go out appying with a group of friends and make it less awkward or scary for yourself.  
I like to use for new stores in town
I also find it helpful looking at the "Careers" page for stores under construction in shopping malls.

"Keep in mind not to be hard on yourself if you don't get your first job, it takes confidence and experience.  Ask around to hear if anyone else has had trouble looking for jobs.  When you do finally get one, then help your friends if they need advice!"

#payitforward #beyourself #justdoit

Practice Questions You May Get Asked

Sport Brands:

What is a goal that you’ve achieved and that you’re proud of

(Personally, Professionally or Health accomplishment)

How have you elevated someone from mediocrity to greatness?
(Meaning like how did you bring a nobody into a somebody?)


How will you elevate (insert brand here)?
(This is a common one as pretty much all stores will ask you how you will help to improve their store.)


How would you spend an ideal day off with no financial limits?


If you could high five anyone, who would it be and why?


What is a quote you live by?

What are you most passionate about?

What do you want to be remembered for?

What gets you up in the morning?

What is the theme song of your life?

What is your favorite way to sweat?


What would you do if you saw someone lying?


What would you do if you didn’t fully understand the instructions given to you?

if you had to pick a product, how would you sell it to a customer? (I picked my Backpack for this and I talked about how I used it and how others might share the same need for something like this).



Clothing Retail:


How would you sell (your chosen jeans) to a customer?

(Slim fit for athletic people for example)


Did you have time to do research about our company?

Can you tell me a little bit about our brand’s history?


What do you like about our company?


Do you wear this brand?

Tell me about yourself.


What brands do you typically enjoy shopping from?


If there was a day with no rules?  How would you solve a situation ex. A customer still has a tag on his/her clothing.  What would you do?


A trendy couple walks in and asks for restaurant recommendations.  What would you recommend? (Me being the foodie had no trouble with this)


A mother walks in wanting to buy something trendy for her son's birthday.  How would you recommend products to her?  (It was actually my birthday during this particular interview, but I didn't want to say anything and I forgot to mention it too haha.  It might have made a difference perhaps.)


Where do you draw inspiration from?



What do you know about our company?


Are you well versed in cosmetics?


What leadership roles have you taken on?


Vancouver, BC  

Richmond, BC


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